
Privacy Policy for AutoDealsBot

Last Update 22-09-2023

1. Introduction

Welcome to AutoDealsBot's Privacy Policy. This policy outlines our commitment to protecting the privacy of our users. By using our service, you signify your agreement to this Privacy Policy. If you disagree with any part of this policy, please do not use our service.

2. Data Collection

Bot Usage: We do not collect any personal data from users who use our bot service. Any data interactions are managed by Telegram, and users should refer to Telegram's Privacy Policy for more details.

Website Analytics: Our website employs a tracking system compliant with Italian GDPR regulations. This data is solely used for analytics purposes to improve user experience and will never be sold or used for other purposes.

3. Data Usage

We do not use or process any personal data from our users, as we do not collect any.

4. Data Sharing

We are committed to user privacy and do not share any data with third parties.

5. Data Storage and Retention

AutoDealsBot does not store or retain any user data.

6. Data Protection Measures

While we do not collect or store user data, we prioritize the security and integrity of our platform and services.

7. Third-Party Services

We do not integrate with or rely on third-party services for data collection or processing.

8. Children's Privacy

AutoDealsBot is committed to protecting the privacy of children. We do not collect or process data from children.

9. Updates to the Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy at our discretion. Users will not receive individual notifications of any changes. We recommend users periodically review our Privacy Policy for any updates.

10. Contact

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us through the provided channels on our platform.